Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Yes, I'm really here...

I am sorry I have not updated sooner. Things have really been crazy since Hurricane Ike. I am glad to say things are starting to calm down a bit and get back to normal. I have been working on getting our finances caught back up since the hurricane. I have decide that I am going to start saving all our change in a change jar. I will be giving you an update as I add to the jar. All this money will go toward pay down my debt. Tomorrow I will post how much money I actually have already in a jar. I have had a change jar but I never really made a conscious effort of adding all my change to it. I know a person that actually saves over $1000.00 a year in change. I should have done this a long time ago but never took the time to actively take advantage of this cost savings. With tough times and the economy growing worse I feel I need to do everything in my power to save and reduce my spending. Hence the Change Jar!

I had to take my daughter to the doctor this week which cost me a $20.00 co-pay plus the medicine was $193.00. I almost had a heart attack!!! These pharmaceutical companies know they have you backed into a corner. What is a parent going to do......not buy the medicine for there child? Although ,I am sure some parents would have to go with that as they really don't have any extra money to spend on things like medicine. Not that I have extra money, I just will have to cut spending elsewhere or do without a few things to allow our money to stretch. It is amazing what a person can do when it involves their children.

I sent a check off for $895.00 to pay for the generator we had to buy during the hurricane. It was so hard to part with that money. But at least I had the money to pay for the generator. I just hope I don't have to use that thing for a long time.

I still have not had that garage sale like I planned. I have just had too much going on with the hurricane to even focus on a garage sale. I am going to buckle down and plan on doing it soon. I am trying to decide on a date to schedule it. If I can get it scheduled then that will force me to follow through with my plans.

Tomorrow plan on seeing my Change Jar update.



Budget Mama said...

I know those doctor bills really do add up. I think next year we will look into the flexible spending plan.

Good luck on the garage sale and I think the change jar is a great idea. I have one on my fridge but forget to add to it.

PS-for some reason on my blog it doesn't update your posts

HS @ Our Debt Blog said...

Hi I'm in Houston and we also had Ike issues LOL... get back on track on focus on debt! good luck!!


S said...

Good luck with getting back on track. Hope the kid feels better