Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Can't Believe it's December!

Wow! I can't believe it is already December. Where has the year gone? I have been a total slacker in regards to Christmas shopping. I hate the whole process! My husband loves Christmas and always wants to spend more on gifts that I think we should. He got a little upset with me after I told him that my family and his family decided to do the White Elephant Christmas game instead of buying for everyone. We also set a price limit as to how much we can spend on each gift. He was mad because I didn't discuss it with him before we decide to do this. Sometimes he does not understand that we have to think about everyone else as well. With the economy in dire straights everyone is feeling to effects of reducing their expenses. I for one think all the gift buying is crazy! I would love to be able to spend as much as I would like and buy everyone big expensive gifts....but I just can't do that. I have to sit down and have a talk with him. He think I a cheap.......which I don't think I am cheap just reasonable with regards to spending too much money on things that are not necessary. After all, is gift giving really where our focus should be on Christmas?

As for shopping, I am going to try to stretch my dollars by shopping the sales. I have a good idea of what all I am going to buy. Next year I really want to try to have most my shopping done early. I am also going to set up a detailed budget and focus on saving for all those presents and that way I will have money set aside for gifts and if I see something on sales I can purchase it early.

Happy Shopping!!