Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Making a Plan

I have been scouring my brain trying to find ways to earn extra money to begin paying off my debt. Today I called a Plasma donor location. I checked online for a location close to me. I did locate one but the website did disclose how much you can get paid to do this. I am going to make a phone call to them to find out more details.

I am also going to list some things on eBay. I did try to do that Sunday but I must have done something wrong because on Monday when I tried to check my eBay selling status there was nothing listed. That totally confuses me because I even received the confirmation phone from eBay once I listed the item. I am going to work on this tonight.

If any one else have any suggestion of ways I can generate some quick income please let me know. I am open to any suggestions.



Megan said...

Glad you enjoyed the post. I hope you continue to read.

I've been trying to list at least one thing we do to save money each week so keep checking back.

As every one will say; step one: Make a budget and a plan.

I've also found coupon shopping to help so much more than I expected.

Also check out my sweeps post every monday. I've won free shoes, books, and gift cards for free food. Can't beat free!

DebtLessDuty said...

Thanks for the encouragement Meg! I will check daily.

Free is always good. I noticed some the the sweeps post yesterday. I will try to enter some of them.

Budget Mama said...

I sold some books on amazon marketplace and that helped. I also sold stuff on ebay as well. Craigslist is also good for quick cash.

jpkittie said...

I agree with Budget Mama - Craigs List is a good place - but make sure that you have them pick up when you aren't alone - you can never be too safe -

What about a garage sale? If you have enough stuff, it may be worth the time & energy

Good Luck

S said...

hmm Plasma donation? Let me know how that goes and the implications on your health! Be careful! Selling stuff on Ebay is always great and always checkout craigslist.org for little gigs and ideas to make money.

Has anyone ever gone the online survey routes? I have heard mixed things about them and am very curious if they actually work or just scams.